This room is set up as a tribute and recognition to the military, security forces (Guardia Civil and Police), health workers, etc…

Two types of activities or workshops are conceived. One on first aid focused on children and youth groups and the other workshop will deal with vertical transport.
First aid will show how to act and what to do in the case of the most common accidents in everyday life.

As for vertical transport, it has been essential since ancient times for all types of construction materials and lifting mechanisms. This type of transport, although it cannot be included in the traditional automotive sector, is the one that allows the current configuration of our cities. We will see from its beginnings and evolution, until Otis patented his safety system for the fall of lifts, and its evolution up to the present day, and we will also see how this evolution of the lift transformed the architecture of the 20th century.

This workshop must be requested in advance and agreed with MAHI.