In the hall 4 will show the evolution of the countryside and the different steps in its mechanisation. The aim will be to show, in a visual way, the different agrarian economies different agricultural economies according to geography and socio-cultural aspects.
In this room there will be a workshop of activities adapted to all kinds of public, in an interactive and plastic way it will show the need and the different devices that were used to know the weight of goods and materials for their commercialisation.

This workshop will have to be previously requested and agreed with MAHI.

With regard to agricultural vehicles, we will look at the evolution of tractors, establishing a parallel between productivity and the different agricultural economies.

In this hall, a diorama is shown, with something that was common for many decades, the abandonment of vehicles in apprenticeships, garages, etc. The diorama
that was set up is a recreation of the Graham Paige 610 vehicle, which for decades served as a chicken coop.