In the Hall 2 we will show the different types of Pegaso engines that were manufactured and their different components; marine engines, static, industrial, rear groups, blocks, gears, steering and brakes.
There will also be an activity workshop for children. They will be able to see how the engine, gearbox and brakes work.
They will also learn how vehicles interact in society through their lights and indicators and what this means. This workshop will have to be previously requested and agreed with MAHI.

In addition to the evolution of industrial vehicles, we will show the sporting component of Pegaso and the competition in events such as the Paris-Dakar, showing the winner of the 1996 Paris-Dakar in the 10 Tonne category and its assistance and competition truck on the circuit, showing 2 units, one the official Pegaso and the other a private one and its assistance and competition truck on the circuit, displaying 2 units, one the official Pegaso one and the other a private one.

To conclude this room, the SOLO 500 demonstration truck, designed by Francisco Podadera, is on display.