
Discover the cars that made history.


The activities available at MAHI for the use and enjoyment of our visitors are as follows:

WOOD WORKSHOP: With this activity we aim to work with wood, as well as providing fundamental theoretical classes to be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the workshop.

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MECHANICAL WORKSHOP: For the development of this activity, the Museum will have mechanical workshops and a separate room for theory classes. Special emphasis will be placed on the recovery of automobiles and other Galician objects.

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THEORETICAL TRAINING AND LIBRARY: In MAHI three types of Libraries are conceived, two of which will have documentation and historical information and another where the aforementioned training courses will be given.

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The Wood Workshop has a sentimental component for the Foundation. It will house, in addition to the typical tasks of a wood workshop, a small museum related to the tools and mechanisation of wood carpentry. One of the activities of the workshop, apart from the exhibition (it is conceived as a temporary exhibition), is the recovery of the cultural, social and industrial heritage of the automotive industry and the other threads present in MAHI.

In this work, special emphasis will be placed on the recovery of automobiles and other Galician objects. Education is another of the activities that the workshop intends to develop. To this end, collaboration is being sought with vocational training centres with the aim of providing vocational training courses and other non-regulated training. For the development of this activity the MAHI will have, in addition to the wooden workshops, where the practices would be developed, a classroom for theory and thus complete the training cycle.

The visit to the wood workshops will have to be requested and agreed with MAHI.

mechanical workshop

One of the activities of the mechanical restoration workshop, in addition to the exhibition (it is conceived as a temporary exhibition), is the recovery of the cultural, social and industrial heritage of the automotive industry and other threads present in MAHI.
of the cultural, social and industrial heritage of the automotive industry and the other threads present in MAHI. The work begun more than four decades ago to recover and restore our heritage will continue to be carried out at MAHI.

In this work, special emphasis will be placed on the recovery of automobiles and other Galician objects. Education is another of the activities to be developed in the restoration workshop.
To this end, collaboration will be established with vocational training centres, with the aim of providing training courses and vocational training and other non-regulated training. For the development of this activity, the Museum will have, in addition to the mechanical workshops, where the practical work will be carried out, a classroom for theory, thus completing the training cycle.
thus completing the training cycle.

The visit to the garage must be requested and agreed with MAHI.


MAHI conceives three types of Libraries:

  • Restricted access library: This library will have the most sensitive documentation and the most easily damaged. For this reason, its access will be exclusively for doctorates and research theses.The Jorge Jove Foundation will be digitising this information over the next few decades to make it accessible to all those interested.
  • Technical library: Accessible to any member of the Friends of MAHI Association and Library for amateurs accessible to anyone. All visits to the library must be previously requested and agreed with MAHI.
  • Theoretical training room: As a complement to the non-regulated training courses that will be given in the museum’s restoration workshop, both mechanical and wood, there will be a theoretical training room where the theory of the training courses will be taught. This room is also intended to provide training courses for those amateurs who wish to do so and in the facets that are requested. This room can be used for any kind of formal or informal training, lectures, presentations and meetings (on request and upon agreement with MAHI).


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