Antonio Grandio Dopico, Honorary Professor of the University of A Coruña, and the journalist Luis Pousa Meréns will take us on a journey through the most representative economic milestones of the 20th century.

The economic milestones will be represented by a collection of Spanish coins from the invention of the internal combustion engine to the introduction of the euro. It will also be represented by a collection of all the banknotes of the peseta.

This room will also include an exhibition of the mechanisms used by man to count, from abacuses to our pocket calculators.

These workshops will have to be previously requested and agreed with MAHI.

In this room we can see the Mercedes brand and its evolution throughout the 20th century, starting with the first vehicle with an internal combustion engine, the Tricycle by Benz, to vehicles of the 1990s. With a nod to another great German brand, Porsche.